Mona Botwick
Agent Partner

Licensing: VA - 0225222376, MD - 5006392
Mona Botwick
Agent Partner

Licensing: VA - 0225222376, MD - 5006392

Mona Botwick's journey in the realm of real estate spans seven years, during which she has carved a niche for herself in the art of staging and photographing properties. Her specialized expertise in this domain has not only honed her eye for detail but also equipped her with the creative flair necessary to showcase properties in their best light. Drawing upon her graduate degree in Photography, Mona brings a unique perspective to her work with buyers and sellers. She goes beyond merely presenting properties; instead, she uses her skills to help clients envision the potential of a space, illustrating how simple changes could transform a house into their ideal home. Through strategic planning, Mona ensures that each property she represents resonates with buyers and sellers on a personal level, fostering a deeper connection and facilitating informed decision-making. Mona's multifaceted interests and active engagement in various spheres of life reflect her holistic approach to both work and community involvement. Whether she's capturing the essence of a property through her lens, rallying support for local initiatives, or enjoying outdoor pursuits, Mona exemplifies a commitment to excellence, creativity, and service that defines her as not just a real estate professional, but a valued member of her community

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